Academic Regulations

General Regulations

  • Credit Hour / Semester Hour
  • Student Classification
  • Time Status
  • Class Attendance and Enrollment Validation
  • Grade Point Average and Grade Values
  • Credit / No Credit Option
  • Repeating a Course
  • Appeals on Academic Evaluation
  • Academic Integrity
  • Withholding Transcripts
  • Curricula Modification

President's List and Dean's List

Academic Probation and Suspension

  • Probation
  • Suspension
    • Readmission
    • Appeals
  • Probation and Intercollegiate and Major Leadership Activities

Class Schedule Modification

  • Adding a Course
  • Dropping a Course (Other Than a Complete Withdrawal)
  • Complete Withdrawal
  • Student Leave Policy
  • Financial Adjustments


Transfer of Credit

  • Credit Evaluation
  • AP, IB, CLEP Credit
  • A.A. / A.S. Articulation Agreement

The information in this catalog does not constitute a contract between the university and the student. The university reserves the right to make changes in curricula, admission policies and processes, tuition and financial aid, academic standards and guidelines, student services and any other regulations or policies set forth in this catalog without giving prior notice.