College of Arts and Sciences


Program Options

Mathematics and Computer Science department web site

The information on this page pertains to program requirements for students who matriculated in the 2023-2024 academic year.  View requirements for previous catalog years here.

Program Overview

Students majoring in mathematics can create a plan within the program appropriate for a variety of careers that require an understanding of structures, patterns, and analysis. Students may also prepare for further graduate study in theoretical or applied mathematics or related fields such as other scientific disciplines, economics, and business administration. Opportunities for mathematics majors arise in computing or high-technology firms, chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturers, government agencies, financial institutions, and the insurance industry to name a few.

Students who desire a more scientific emphasis will complete the College of Arts and Sciences requirements for a B.S. degree.The mathematics requirements for the B.A. and B.S. degrees are the same.

All programs should be planned in careful consultation with a faculty mentor.

B.A. Degree Requirements

The Bachelor of Arts degree is intended for students who desire less of a scientific emphasis. Students who desire more of a scientific emphasis should consider the Bachelor of Science degree.  

Course Credits
Core Courses  
CS 065 - Introduction to Computer Science I 3
MATH 050 - Calculus I 3
MATH 070 - Calculus II 3
MATH 080 - Linear Algebra 3
MATH 100 - Calculus III 3
MATH 101 - Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning 3
MATH 110 - Vector Calculus 3
MATH 191 - The Capstone Course 3
Upper Level Courses - Upper Level Courses - Students must select three sequences ­­from below, one of which must be either sequence 1 or 2. Students cannot count a course in more than one sequence. An advisor may, in consultation with the Department, substitute an alternative sequence of paired courses from another major that has a significant and appropriate emphasis on the mathematical aspects of that major. The limit on sequences from another major (Sequence 8) is one.   
Sequences 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8.  Courses in these sequences help students who want to develop theoretical skills in preparation for graduate programs in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics. Applications of the theory will be included within the courses.   
Sequences 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8. Courses in these sequences are help students develop computational skills that are useful in the workplace. Courses include a theoretical grounding in computational and applied mathematics. These courses complement other majors such as Actuarial Science, Computer Science, Data Analytics, Physics, and other science majors.   

1. Algebra Sequence – Select two of the following


MATH 155 – Abstract Algebra I


MATH 156 – Abstract Algebra II


MATH 176 – Advanced Linear Algebra


2. Analysis Sequence – Select two of the following


MATH 184 – Introduction to Real Analysis I


MATH 185 – Introduction to Real Analysis II


MATH 187 – Complex Analysis


3. Differential Equations Sequence


MATH 120 – Applied Differential Equations I


MATH 121 – Applied Differential Equations II


4. Mathematical Modeling Sequence – Select two of the following courses


MATH 120 – Applied Differential Equations I


MATH 125 – Math Modeling


MATH 126 – Industrial Mathematics


MATH 127 – Introduction to Game Theory


5. Computational Mathematics Sequence


MATH 165 – Introduction to Numerical Analysis


MATH 176 – Advanced Linear Algebra


6. Computational Science Sequence – Select two of the following courses


MATH 139 – Theory of Computation


MATH 148 – Counting with Combinatorics


MATH 150 – Graph Theory


7. Geometry/History Sequence (Note: These courses are not regularly scheduled)


MATH 153 – Modern Geometry


MATH 157 – The History of Mathematics


8. Physics or Actuarial Science/Data Analytics Sequence – Select one set below


PHY 121 – Theoretical Mechanics, and
PHY 122 – Electromagnetic Theory


MATH/ACTS 131/131L – Introduction to Probability I, and
ACTS 135 – Mathematical Statistics


STAT/MATH 130 – Probability for Analytics, and
STAT 170 – Regression and Time Series



B.S. Degree Requirements

The Bachelor of Science degree is intended for students who desire a more scientific emphasis.  Students who desire less of a scientific emphasis should consider the Bachelor of Arts degree.  There are special requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree.  See the Graduation Requirements section of this catalog for details.  

Course Credits
Core Courses 24
CS 065 - Introduction to Computer Science I 3
MATH 050 - Calculus I 3
MATH 070 - Calculus II 3
MATH 080 - Linear Algebra 3
MATH 100 - Calculus III 3
MATH 101 - Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning 3
MATH 110 - Vector Calculus 3
MATH 191 - The Capstone Course 3

Upper Level Courses - Upper Level Courses - Students must select three sequences ­­from below, one of which must be either sequence 1 or 2. Students cannot count a course in more than one sequence. An advisor may, in consultation with the Department, substitute an alternative sequence of paired courses from another major that has a significant and appropriate emphasis on the mathematical aspects of that major. The limit on sequences from another major (Sequence 8) is one. 


Sequences 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8.  Courses in these sequences help students who want to develop theoretical skills in preparation for graduate programs in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics. Applications of the theory will be included within the courses.


Sequences 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8. Courses in these sequences are help students develop computational skills that are useful in the workplace. Courses include a theoretical grounding in computational and applied mathematics. These courses complement other majors such as Actuarial Science, Computer Science, Data Analytics, Physics, and other science majors. 


1. Algebra Sequence – Select two of the following

MATH 155 – Abstract Algebra I 3
MATH 156 – Abstract Algebra II 3
MATH 176 – Advanced Linear Algebra 3
2. Analysis Sequence – Select two of the following  
MATH 184 – Introduction to Real Analysis I 3
MATH 185 – Introduction to Real Analysis II 3
MATH 187 – Complex Analysis 3
3. Differential Equations Sequence  
MATH 120 – Applied Differential Equations I 3
MATH 121 – Applied Differential Equations II 3
4. Mathematical Modeling Sequence – Select two of the following courses  
MATH 120 – Applied Differential Equations I 3
MATH 125 – Math Modeling 3
MATH 126 – Industrial Mathematics 3
MATH 127 – Introduction to Game Theory 3
5. Computational Mathematics Sequence  
MATH 165 – Introduction to Numerical Analysis 3
MATH 176 – Advanced Linear Algebra 3
6. Computational Science Sequence – Select two of the following courses  
MATH 139 – Theory of Computation 3
MATH 148 – Counting with Combinatorics 3
MATH 150 – Graph Theory 3
7. Geometry/History Sequence (Note: These courses are not regularly scheduled)  
MATH 153 – Modern Geometry 3
MATH 157 – The History of Mathematics 3
8. Physics or Actuarial Science/Data Analytics Sequence – Select one set below  
PHY 121 – Theoretical Mechanics and PHY 122 – Electromagnetic Theory 8
MATH/ACTS 131/131L – Introduction to Probability I, and
ACTS 135 – Mathematical Statistics
STAT/MATH 130 – Probability for Analytics, and
STAT 170 – Regression and Time Series 


Mathematics Minor

The student must have a departmental minor adviser and complete 24 credit hours of mathematics and related courses as stipulated in the catalog requirements.

Course Credits
CS 065 - Introduction to Computer Science I 3
MATH 050 - Calculus I 3
MATH 070 - Calculus II 3
MATH 080 - Linear Algebra 3
MATH 100 - Calculus III 3
MATH 101 - Mathematical Reasoning 3
Upper Level Courses - Select two additional Math courses numbered 100 or above, excluding MATH 140 and excluding the capstone course.  Must be approved by advisor. 6

The information in this catalog does not constitute a contract between the university and the student. The university reserves the right to make changes in curricula, admission policies and processes, tuition and financial aid, academic standards and guidelines, student services and any other regulations or policies set forth in this catalog without giving prior notice.