Graduation Requirements

All students preparing for licensure as a teacher must meet the following criteria on a continuing basis:

  • Completion of the Drake Curriculum Areas of Inquiry (A.O.I.s) or an equivalent program at another college or university.
  • Completion of the elementary or secondary education major with at least a “C-” in all education and endorsement courses.
  • Completion of an approved teaching endorsement area(s).
  • Maintenance of at least a 2.50 cumulative GPA (on a 4.00 scale) for undergraduate students.
  • Maintenance of at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA (on a 4.00 scale) for graduate students.
  • Demonstration of all InTASC Standards at the appropriate level.
  • Demonstration of Drake-defined Professional Dispositions at the appropriate level.
  • Successfully pass background checks.