Spanish (SPAN)
Lower Level Coursework in Spanish
Level: Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Transfer
Schedule type(s): Lecture
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
SPAN 001. BEGINNING SPANISH I. (0,3 Credits)
Spanish 001 is the first semester of an introductory course to Spanish language and Hispanic cultures. This course emphasizes communication and the improvement of your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish. You will also become increasingly familiar with the cultures of Spain and Latin America. The approach used to reach these goals requires consistent participation and interaction with your classmates, your native speaker, and your professor. Class time will be used primarily to engage in activities that will include active physical participation, dialogues, skits, group work, and conversations with classmates.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lab, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
SPAN 1--. SPAN UPPER DIVISION. (1-10 Credits)
Upper Level Coursework in Spanish
Level: Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Transfer
Schedule type(s): Lecture
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
Spanish 002 is the second semester of an introductory course to Spanish language and Hispanic cultures. This course emphasizes communication and the improvement of your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish. You will also become increasingly familiar with the cultures of Spain and Latin America. The approach used to reach these goals requires consistent participation and interaction with your classmates, your native speaker, and your professor. Class time will be used primarily to engage in activities that will include active physical participation, dialogues, skits, group work, and conversations with classmates.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 001
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lab, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: Global and Cultural Understand
This is a course designed to promote communicative competence. Students are expected to learn to use Spanish for communication in real, meaningful situations and to develop an appreciation of all the different cultures of the Spanish-speaking world, including the United States. To attain these goals, this course focuses on using Spanish as much as possible during the seminars with the professor and also when interacting in small groups with a conversation tutor (a native speaker).
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 002
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lab, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
This course is content-based and designed to promote communicative and cultural competence. Students will develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills as they discuss current affairs, short films, films, and literary prose. Students will also develop an appreciation of all the different cultures of the Spanish-speaking world, including the United States. This course focuses on using Spanish as much as possible during the seminars with the professor and also when interacting in small groups with a conversation tutor (a native speaker).
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 003
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lab, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: Global and Cultural Understand
A course designed to help anyone interested in healthcare to communicate with those patients whose native language is Spanish. Learn how to quickly address health-specific issues like medical complaints and insurance information, comprehending symptoms described by Spanish-speaking patients, and much more. Even more important, understanding key Spanish phrases assures the health and safety of everyone involved. Spanish Medical Terminology and Healthcare is designed for students in the fields of nursing, pre-medical programs, biology, and pharmacology students in the fields of nursing, knowledge of medical terms and basic human anatomy. Upon completion, students should be able to communicate at a functional level with native speakers and demonstrate cultural awareness and sensitivity. To be enrolled in this class, students need to have successfully completed Intermediate Spanish II (SPAN 052) or higher.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 004
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
This course is an introduction to the practical aspects of interpreting. Students will become proficient with basic concepts in
interpreting including profession-specific terminology, interpreting as a profession, the various settings in which interpreters
work, the role of the interpreter, and processing the information related to management skills and professional standards. The
student will learn how to perform efficiently as a bilingual medical interpreter by engaging in several role-play sessions
throughout the semester, thereby applying their linguistic and cultural skills.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 052
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lecture
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
This course focuses on the role of the healthcare provider as it relates to patient care in the triadic encounter between
healthcare provider, patient, and bilingual medical interpreter. This course introduces the student to examples of medical
procedures within the context of real-life triadic situations. Students taking this course will learn different types of memory
techniques, engage in intense instruction on cultural competency, and engage in an introduction to medical terminology for
interpreters and an introduction to specific sections on anatomy and physiology, including the digestive and skeletal systems.
The student will learn how to perform efficiently as a bilingual medical interpreter by engaging in several role-play sessions
throughout the semester, thereby applying their linguistic skills.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 140
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lecture
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
The course covers medical terminology via asynchronous discussions in class, text reading assignments, homework problems,
and assessments in the Spanish language. Emphasis will be to recognize, evaluate and deduce meanings of medical words by
applying word-building rules. Study will be directed to define parts of words and to apply word-building rules to form words
from suffixes, prefixes, and roots in the combining form. An additional focus of study will be to define and use words
pertaining to the digestive system, reproductive systems, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, blood, lymphatic and immune
systems, musculoskeletal system and skin, sense organs, endocrine system, oncology, radiology, nuclear medicine, radiation
therapy, pharmacology, and psychiatry in the Spanish language. Students will learn how to ask and answer questions crucial to
quality healthcare. By taking this course, students will gain the skills to effectively communicate with their Spanish-speaking
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 052
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lecture
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
Spanish 140 is a course in Spanish spoken and written communication that emphasizes the development of reading and writing skills necessary to comprehend, discuss, and produce authentic Spanish texts. Students will be able to fully express in Spanish after being introduced to a series of readings about literature and culture, and convey what is on their minds, both in writing and speaking. Emphasis is also placed on technology-based learning, learning strategies, and critical thinking skills that will enhance your language learning.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 052
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lab, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
This simple and enjoyable Spanish for Medical Professionals course will give students the basic tools they need to bridge the
“communication gap.” This course complements the career of students interested in various medical fields of study by
interacting with Spanish-speaking patients. The course focuses on the skills necessary to perform as a bilingual medical
interpreter, covering the medical terminology of anatomy and physiology pertaining to the reproductive and respiratory
systems in the target language. Furthermore, the student will learn and apply knowledge related to mental health encounters,
triadic encounters in the emergency room and the rules and regulations that are required to work proficiently as a professional
in the field of medical interpretation. The student will learn how to perform efficiently as a bilingual medical interpreter by
engaging in several role-play sessions throughout the semester, thereby applying their linguistic skills.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 052
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lab, Lecture
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
This is a topics course for advanced language learners. Students may repeat this course as the topic changes.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 052
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lab, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
SPAN 151. NATIONAL IDENTITY. (0,3 Credits)
This course explores the normative issues that arise as national identities in particular countries are challenged by the strengthening of transnational and sub-national identities. Topics might include: immigration, multiculturalism, religious diversity, the import of foreign popular culture products, efforts to protect national languages, the status of indigenous cultures, etc. Specific topics will vary depending upon the country or countries examined. Students may repeat the course once as the topic varies.
Level: Graduate, Law, Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lab, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: Global and Cultural Understand, Historical Foundations
SPAN 152. FILM. (0,3 Credits)
This course examines a variety of Spanish linguistic and cultural topics through classic and contemporary film and additional course materials such as texts and musical scores. Themes may include historical and political events, race, human rights, social class, gender, relationships, immigration, and religion, among other topics that will enhance knowledge of Spanish language and Spanish-speaking cultures. Students will analyze and discuss films using pertinent vocabulary, concepts, and theories. Studens may repeat this course once as the topic varies.
Level: Graduate, Law, Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lab, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: Artistic Literacy, Global and Cultural Understand
The Spanish language interacts with many languages around the world, such as Mayan, Amerindian, and other indigenous languages in Latin America; and Basque, Catalan, and Galician in Europe. In the United States, multiple varieties of Spanish interact with English. This course explores societal, religious, historical, and political contexts that arise within the shared spaces and cultures. Students may repeat this course twice as the topic varies.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Discussion/Recitation, Independent Study, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: Engaged Citizen, Historical Foundations
Level: Graduate, Law, Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 140
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: Critical Thinking
Spanish 155 is a contemporary Spanish business language course that seeks to develop written and spoken language skills of intermediate to advanced students, focusing on real business situations from the Spanish-speaking world. This course provides functional vocabulary and disclosure used in Spanish for relevant business-related topics, including protocol, international markets, labor organizations, banking, health systems, customer service, import/export, mass media, tourism, real estate, and social responsibility. Students in this course participate in formal and informal conversations on practical and socio-cultural topics about the Spanish language and relevant themes from authentic readings and listening materials from the business environment of Spain and Latin America. Emphasis is also placed on technology-based learning, cultural learning, learning strategies, and critical thinking skills that will enhance students' language learning. Student final projects will include an experimental component that applies socio-cultural themes studied during the semester.
Level: Graduate, Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 140
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
This interdisciplinary course highlights women's impact on society in areas such as health, business, environment,
education, media, politics, and the arts (art, music, film, literature). Through primary and secondary sources including
newspaper articles, documentaries, art, films, literature, and testimonials, students will expand their understanding of
ways women have resisted and broken societal norms that suppress human rights and advancements in the region.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 140
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lecture
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
SPAN 157. LEGENDS AND MYTHS. (3 Credits)
This course will introduce students to primary and secondary sources to comprehend the historical and cultural
value of legends and myths, encouraging students to further their language skills through the study of oral tradition.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 140
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lecture
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
SPAN 160. LITERATURE. (0,3 Credits)
This course aims to develop a deeper understanding of language, literary analysis, terminology, and concepts of literature in Spanish. Literary texts, oral tradition, and genres such as narratives, poetry, drama, testimonials, mythology and legends, and urban literature will provide a basis to explore social and historical contexts of Spanish-speaking regions and cultures. Students may repeat this course twice as the topic varies.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lab, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: Global and Cultural Understand
Each student pursuing the Spanish major must complete a capstone project through this course that demonstrates proficiency in Spanish language and competency in the culture(s) of the Spanish-speaking world. This is a directed-study course that requires a project in which the student, in close consultation with the course's faculty member, selects a topic related to Spanish, Latin American, or U.S. Latino cultural studies, history, literature, or linguistics; carries out a project on that topic; develops and presents the results of this project in Spanish; and engages in scholarly collegial discussion with peers and faculty.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
Enrollment limited to students with a classification of Senior.
Enrollment is limited to students with an major in Spanish.
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
SPAN 170. INDEPENDENT STUDY. (1-3 Credits)
Students enrolled in this course utilize their language skills to pursue an area of interest while working directly with a professor of the language.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: None