Graduation Requirements

Candidates qualifying for an bachelor's degree must successfully complete a minimum of 120 credit hours of coursework. The six-year Doctor of Pharmacy Program (Pharm.D.) of the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences requires 211 credit hours.

Drake University accepts up to 66 credit hours of college-level transfer credit applicable to an associate degree from a regionally accredited community or two-year college as any part of the first 94 credit hours toward a bachelor’s degree (except pharmacy; see College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences), subject to the requirements of the individual colleges and schools. Transfer students, regardless of the type of institution from which they transfer, must successfully complete their last 30 hours in residence at Drake University to satisfy degree requirements.

Candidates for bachelor's degrees must successfully complete a minimum of 30 credit hours in residence classes on the Drake campus. All Drake University colleges and schools require the last 30 hours of a degree to be completed in residence. Candidates for the Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.E.) degree regularly employed as teachers may take some of the last 30 hours in extension classes. However, candidates for the B.S.E. degree must complete their final 15 hours in classes on the Drake campus.

The College of Arts and Sciences, Zimpleman College of Business, and School of Journalism and Mass Communication provide the option of earning two undergraduate majors (a double major) in any one of these colleges/schools. With early and careful planning, a student can complete one of many double majors in one college or school within the 120 credit-hour minimum.

Students may earn a second major outside their college or school. More than 120 credit hours usually are necessary to complete both majors in the two colleges/schools. For more information, consult the associate or assistant dean of the appropriate college or school.

A cumulative grade point average of 2.00 (“C”) is required for all Drake University work attempted for a degree, including major department work, departmental courses, and the combined departmental and related courses. A transfer student must have a cumulative GPA of 2.00 on all work attempted at Drake University.

Candidates for bachelor's degrees must be in good standing with the university as outlined in the university catalog’s academic integrity policy and student code of conduct. The university may withhold awarding a degree otherwise earned until the completion of the outlined academic integrity or code of conduct process, including the completion of all sanctions imposed.

Additional graduation requirements may be found in the individual college/school websites. Graduation requirements of the Law School and the School of Education may be obtained by writing to the respective deans.

Seniors Taking Graduate Work

Seniors in their last two semesters of bachelor's degree study have the possibility of taking graduate work to round out a partial enrollment that completes all undergraduate requirements. See the Graduate Catalog for further information.

Second Undergraduate Degree

Students earning two or more bachelor's degrees concurrently need to successfully complete the requirements for each degree and major. The total credit minimum is 120 (excluding Doctor of Pharmacy degree).

Drake graduates who return for an additional undergraduate degree must apply for a different bachelor's degree and complete the requirements for the second major and degree; this student does not need to complete the Drake Curriculum First Year Seminar or Area of Inquiry general education requirements and has no minimum number of credits required.

Non-Drake students who have completed a previous undergraduate degree at a regionally accredited university may apply for an additional bachelor's degree. Students returning for an additional undergraduate degree must complete requirements for the second major and degree; this student does not need to complete the Drake Curriculum First Year Seminar or Area of Inquiry general education requirements. A minimum of 30 credits is required for the non-Drake graduate who applies for an additional undergraduate degree.