
School of Education Graduate Program Policies

Drake University School of Education Statement of Governance

The School of Education expects intellectual integrity on the part of undergraduate and graduate students who participate in professional preparation and enhancement offered by the School. As future practitioners, students of the Drake University School of Education must maintain high ethical standards and academic honesty. Follow the link to read the full Governance Policy

School of Education Grievance Policy

Within the School of Education, a student has the opportunity to file a grievance, or formal written complaint, with the Grievance Committee. The process of filing a grievance with the SOE is found in the Grievance Policy.

Drake University Nondiscrimination Statement

The principles of equal access and equal opportunity require that all interactions within the University be free from invidious discrimination. Drake University therefore prohibits discrimination based upon race, color, national origin, creed, religion, age, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or veteran status.

Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct Policy

To read the University's Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct Policy, visit here.

Admission Policy for Graduate Work

Students may take up to two courses OR 6 to 7 hours of graduate credit before admission to a graduate program. After two courses OR 6 to 7 hours, students must be admitted, or further registration will not be possible.

Transfer of Credit

Graduate credits may be considered for transfer to the School of Education masters and specialists programs from other Drake or non-Drake graduate programs under the following conditions:

  1. Only graduate-level courses of a “C-” or better may transfer.
  2. The course(s) must be directly related to the student’s current Drake graduate program.
  3. The transfer of credit for any program other than the doctoral program must be recommended by the student’s advisor.

Graduate credits completed up to five years prior to admission will be considered for full credit transfer whereas graduate credits completed from five to ten years prior to admission will be considered for half credit transfer. Students may transfer in up to one third of a Drake masters or specialist degree program (ex: up to 12 credits for a 36 credit master’s degree) providing the credits meet the aforementioned criteria. 

Any waiver must be requested by an advisor of a specific program and approved by the Associate Dean.

SOE Doctorate Program Transfer Credit Policy

In addition to the SOE Drake Transfer policies noted above the follow policies pertain to the doctoral program.
In general, students may receive credit for academic courses taken through doctorate programs at accredited institutions.  Courses accepted for transfer credit must parallel courses offered at Drake University or otherwise be appropriate for doctorate level credit. Graduate courses considered for transfer must be beyond the required 36 masters-level credits required for admission into a Drake doctoral program. The maximum number of credits that can be transferred into a Drake doctorate program can be no more than 1/3 of the total credit for the full degree program (EdD or PhD). Other details include:

  • Transfer credit requests must be at the time of application into the program. Syllabi should be provided at time of request. Typically, research courses are not accepted for transfer, but will be considered by the committee for exceptions.
  • Transcripts must come directly from the institution; we will not accept any transcripts from students.
  • Requests are formally evaluated by a subcommittee of the doctoral faculty.  Applicants will be notified of accepted transfer credits in writing.
  • You must have earned a grade of "B" or better in the transfer course.

Considerations for Students with Transfer Credits

  • Financial aid implications
  • May not change graduation date
  • May create gaps in coursework
  • Cohort model may require duplicate courses


Masters-level graduate students in the SOE must achieve a 3.0 cumulative GPA to remain in good academic standing and to graduate. Doctoral-level graduate students in the SOE must achieve a 3.5 cumulative GPA to remain in good academic standing and to graduate. Students who do not maintain these GPAs will face academic probation and/or suspension from the School of Education.