Arabic (ARAB)

Lower Level Coursework in Arabic
Level: Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Transfer
Schedule type(s): Lecture
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
ARAB 001. BEGINNING ARABIC I. (0,3 Credits)
This course will lay down the foundation of modern standard Arabic; starting with learning the alphabet, the sound of each letter, learning vocabulary, listening, reading and writing skills. The course then will cover some basic knowledge in Arabic grammar, pronouns, and conversation in daily life topics, such as meetings and greetings, countries and languages, and managing conversations about travel using Arabic language in the conversation.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lab, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
ARAB 1--. ARAB-UPPER DIVISION. (1-10 Credits)
Upper Level Coursework in Arabic
Level: Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Transfer
Schedule type(s): Lecture
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
ARAB 002. BEGINNING ARABIC II. (0,3 Credits)
This course will continue building the foundation of modern standard Arabic, including some more grammar, listening, reading and writing, and conversational skills in more topics, such as daily activities, clothing, foods and meals, adjectives and house-related conversations.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): ARAB 001
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lab, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: Global and Cultural Understand
Third in a series of courses that develop reading, speaking, listening, writing, and cultural skills in Arabic. Course includes video materials and stresses communication in formal and spoken Arabic. Intermediate Arabic I, like Beginning Arabic I & II, is based on the 2nd textbook from the Al-Kitaab Arabic language program: Al-Kitaab fii Ta'allumi al-'Arabiyya/ A Textbook for Arabic, Part I. It includes three DVDs that feature contextualized vocabulary, cultural background and illustrations, and new listening comprehension materials with each lesson. The course is designed to help students move from the beginning level of proficiency, which centers on daily life and their immediate world, to the intermediate and advanced, which broadens to include topics of general interest. In addition to the main video text (the so-called "qissa"/"short story"), students will also find additional authentic texts for reading and listening comprehension, vocabulary and grammar exercises, close listening and speaking activities.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): ARAB 002
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lab, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
Fourth in a series of courses that develop reading, speaking, listening, writing, and cultural skills in Arabic. The course includes video materials and stresses communication in formal and spoken Arabic. Intermediate Arabic II is designed to help students move from the Intermediate Arabic I level to advanced level. Through directed independent study, students work with a combination of textbooks, workbooks, audio, video, software, and online materials and meet with a native-speaker language partner. This course is based on the Al-Kitaab fii Ta'allumi al-'Arabiyya / A Textbook for Arabic, Part II.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): ARAB 003
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lab, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: Global and Cultural Understand
This is a topics course for advanced language learners. Students may repeat this course as the topic changes.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): ARAB 140
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lab, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
A course for language learners with advanced skills that aims to enhance fluency in the target language and develop greater knowledge of its literatures. Students research a specific literary topic, work, or genre in the language under study, then present and explore their findings in class.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): ARAB 140 or DILS 140
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Lab, Lecture, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: None
ARAB 170. INDEPENDENT STUDY. (1-3 Credits)
Students enrolled in this course utilize their language skills to pursue an area of interest while working directly with a professor of the language.
Level: Non Degree Coursework, Professional Health Care, Undergraduate
Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
Restrictions: None
Primary grade mode: Standard Letter
Schedule type(s): Independent Study, Web Instructed
Area(s) of Inquiry: None